Sep 25, 2022
Glory and Redemption: Ruth
Glory and Redemption: Ruth. What happens when ordinary people living ordinary lives do so in faithfulness to God? Great things!
  • Sep 25, 2022Glory and Redemption: Ruth
    Sep 25, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: Ruth
    Glory and Redemption: Ruth. What happens when ordinary people living ordinary lives do so in faithfulness to God? Great things!
  • Sep 18, 2022Glory and Redemption: In Those Days…
    Sep 18, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: In Those Days…
    Glory and Redemption: In Those Days... What happens when God's people have no king to keep them safe from the world?
  • Sep 11, 2022Glory and Redemption: Be Strong and Courageous
    Sep 11, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: Be Strong and Courageous
    Glory and Redemption: Be Strong and Courageous. As God leads His people to victory in the promised land, their role in the plan is one of faithful obedience. Can they manage?
  • Sep 4, 2022Glory and Redemption: The Cost of Disbelief
    Sep 4, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: The Cost of Disbelief
    What happens when God does all the work and then man doesn't believe that it is good enough? Wandering and loss.
  • Aug 28, 2022Glory and Redemption: A Holy People for a Holy God
    Aug 28, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: A Holy People for a Holy God
    The Levitical Law
  • Aug 21, 2022Glory and Redemption: From Freedom to Failure
    Aug 21, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: From Freedom to Failure
    After being brought into freedom by the hand of God, the Israelites experience God's provision and very presence. In response, they readily agree to follow His ways, only to fail miserably in just over a month.
  • Aug 14, 2022Glory and Redemption: The Exodus
    Aug 14, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: The Exodus
    The Exodus declares the Glory of God, and shows His heart for redeeming His people from slavery. The Exodus can be our story as well.
  • Aug 7, 2022Glory and Redemption: Moses
    Aug 7, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: Moses
    Moses was a great prophet of God, one unlike any other. Even so, one was coming that was even greater. One who would fulfill every need. That one is Jesus.
  • Jul 31, 2022Glory and Redemption: Judah, the wayward son who became the father of kings
    Jul 31, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: Judah, the wayward son who became the father of kings
    Judah, the son of Israel who went astray and failed to live rightly, becomes the forebear of the chosen one of Israel, the messiah.
  • Jul 24, 2022Glory and Redemption: 12 Sons of Israel, but mostly Joseph
    Jul 24, 2022
    Glory and Redemption: 12 Sons of Israel, but mostly Joseph
    The story of Glory and Redemption continues in the lives of Israel's sons, with most of the focus upon the 11th son, Joseph. Discover God's plan to save His people, and how it reveals why bad things happen to good people.