Jan 27, 2019
Saints: Who is a saint?
By: Michael Chambers
Series: saints
In our first week of Saints, learn how to identify a saint, and what kind of background a saint comes from. 

- Jan 27, 2019Saints: Who is a saint?
Jan 27, 2019Saints: Who is a saint?By: Michael ChambersSeries: saintsIn our first week of Saints, learn how to identify a saint, and what kind of background a saint comes from.
- Jan 20, 2019New: Change Your Expectations
Jan 20, 2019New: Change Your ExpectationsBy: Michael ChambersSeries: NewOur final sermon of the New year series. It's time to change your expectations of God's love for you and what He can do in and through you. Discover New Wineskin Promises throughout Scripture, and then make room for God to work.
- Jan 13, 2019New: Change Your Clothes
Jan 13, 2019New: Change Your ClothesBy: Michael ChambersSeries: NewThe New Year is slowly becoming the current year, but that doesn't mean we should stop pursuing the New Life available to us in Christ. Today, we talk about changing our spiritual clothes, and just what it can look like as we become New in Christ.
- Jan 6, 2019Second Chance: An intro to Deuteronomy
Jan 6, 2019Second Chance: An intro to DeuteronomySeries: NewIn the first sermon of the year, Elder Stephen Underkofler gives us all a glimpse of the amazing hope that comes in serving the God of the Second Chance. Discover the blessing of walking with God, and join Stephen Sunday Morning at 9:30 every week as he and others gather to study the book of Deuteronomy and glean it's riches for today's life.
- Dec 30, 2018New
Dec 30, 2018NewBy: Michael ChambersSeries: NewThe final sermon of the year is a challenge to live the life of New. Celebrate the New Year, and make a new day resolution each time you rise. Happy New Year!
- Dec 23, 2018Unwrapping Christ: Before Abraham I Am
Dec 23, 2018Unwrapping Christ: Before Abraham I AmBy: Michael ChambersSeries: Unwrapping ChristHere we are in the Fourth week of Advent and the final sermon in our Unwrapping Christ Series. As we finish our journey together in this beautiful season, remember to focus on the power and the provision of the great I Am for our every moment of life. Abandon your empty practices and self-righteous traditions and come to Him alone for life and freedom. Merry Christmas!
- Dec 16, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The True Vine
Dec 16, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The True VineBy: Michael ChambersSeries: Unwrapping ChristTearing one more layer of wrapping off the amazing gift of Jesus, we find the True Vine who is our source of life and the only one who can make growth and fruitfulness possible. Answer the challenge of evaluating your source and checking your fruit.
- Dec 9, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The Way, The Truth, The Life
Dec 9, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The Way, The Truth, The LifeBy: Michael ChambersSeries: Unwrapping ChristWeek 5 of Unwrapping Christ shows us that a relationship with Jesus is the only means of salvation and complete life. There are no works or ways that bring us to the Father, save walking hand in hand with Jesus Himself. Spend some time Unwrapping Christ this week.
- Dec 2, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The Resurrection and The Life
Dec 2, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The Resurrection and The LifeBy: Michael ChambersSeries: Unwrapping ChristAs we enter the fourth week of Unwrapping Christ, we learn how a simple act of rolling away a stone can bring resurrection and life to those who live and believe. Find the Hope of resurrection as you join us Unwrapping Christ.
- Nov 25, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The Gate and The Good Shepherd
Nov 25, 2018Unwrapping Christ: The Gate and The Good ShepherdBy: Michael ChambersSeries: Unwrapping ChristAs Unwrapping Christ continues, discover the everyday story of the life of a sheep and shepherd. Jesus uses this common parable to communicate His role as our Gate and Good Shepherd. Find security, provision, and abundant life as you follow Christ this Christmas season.