The New Testament word for church is “ekklesia,” and it literally means the Gathering. Each Sunday, the Faith Lakeside family gathers together to celebrate the God in whom we BELIEVE, enjoy the love and acceptance that comes when we BELONG, and care for each other and the world around us as we REACH out and share.

Get ready for your Sunday morning with us by dressing in your favorite casual clothes. We have folks that come in everything from sweatpants to suits. No need to be too fancy though, we simply want you to be comfortable.
When you arrive on Sunday morning, stop by the Guest Services Table and receive a gift bag from our friendly Guest Services Staff. If you have children, we are happy to help you get them checked in and find their class. We have nursery and toddler care available to you as well.
We have a continental breakfast available for your enjoyment in our Fellowship Hall between 9:30 and 10:45am. This is a time where you can connect with others, and perhaps even see someone you know.
At Sunday Morning Gathering, we are here to know God and make God known. You will experience energetic and uplifting music, inspiring and engaging teaching from the Bible, and a meaningful time of prayer and invitation.
We look forward to getting to know you!